
Integrity of nuclear waste repository systems

Fecha: Jueves día 16 de mayo de 2019.
Hora: 17:30 horas.
Lugar: Aula A-23, Facultad de Ciencias.

Ponente: Dra. Margarita López Fernández. Institut für ressourcenökologie und Helmholtz-Insitut Freiberg für ressourcentechnologia Helmholtz-zentrum. Dresden-Rossendorf. Dresden, Germany.

Organiza: Instituto Universitario de Investigación de Biotecnología.

Fecha: Jueves día 16 de mayo de 2019.
Hora: 16:00 horas.
Lugar: Aula A-23, Facultad de Ciencias.

Ponente: Dr. Johannes Raff. Institut für ressourcenökologie und Helmholtz-Insitut Freiberg für ressourcentechnologia Helmholtz-zentrum. Dresden-Rossendorf. Dresden, Germany.

Organiza: Instituto Universitario de Investigación de Biotecnología.

Properties and application perspectives of bacterial surface layer proteins
Microbiología en Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory, implicaciones en el almacenamiento geológico profundo de residuos radiactivos

Fecha: Martes día 14 de mayo de 2019.
Hora: 16:00 horas.
Lugar: Aula A-23 de la Facultad de Ciencias.

Ponente: Dra. Margarita López Fernández. Institut für ressourcenökologie und Helmholtz-Insitut Freiberg für ressourcentechnologia Helmholtz-zentrum. Dresden-Rossendorf. Dresden, Germany.

Organiza: Instituto de Biotecnología.

Fecha: martes 14 de mayo de 2019.
Hora: 10:00h.
Lugar: Sala de Medios Audiovisuales. Facultad de Ciencias.

Conferenciante: Prof. Norio Shibata. Department of Nanopharmaceutical Sciences Gokiso, Showa, Nagoya, Japón. 

Synthesis of trifluoromethyl heterocycles via palladium-π-benzyl intermediates
Congreso Planck 2019

Fecha: del 3 al 7 junio 2019.
Lugar: Parque de las Ciencias.

Planck 2019 will be the twenty-second in a series of meetings on physics beyond the Standard Model organized jointly by several European research groups.

This year it is organized by the High Energy Theory Group of the Department of Theoretical Physics and Physics of the Cosmos and the Scientific Unit of Excellence CAFPE (Andalusian Center for Elementary Particle Physics) of the University of Granada and will be held in the Parque de las Ciencias of Granada from the 3rd to the 7th of June.

The Planck conference covers a broad spectrum of physics beyond the Standard Model and of the interface between particle physics and cosmology with an emphasis on the theoretical aspects related to the present experimental programmes.

More information on this and previous meetings can be found at the conference website.

Día: Lunes 13 de Mayo de 2019.
Hora: 12:00.
Lugar: Salon de Grados. 

Ponente: Prof. Lorenz S. Cederbaum, Department of Theoretical Chemistry University of Heidelberg Heidelberg, Alemania.

Conferencias del Instituto Carlos I de Física Teórica y Computacional dentro del Ciclo Fronteras de la Física.

How does a microscopic system like an atom or a small molecule get rid of the excess electronic energy it has acquired, for instance, by absorbing a photon? If this microscopic system is isolated, the issue has been much investigated and the answer to this question is more or less well known. But what happens if our system has neighbors as is usually the case in nature or in the laboratory? In a human society, if our stress is large, we would like to pass it over to our neighbors. Indeed, this is in brief what happens also to the sufficiently excited microscopic system. A new mechanism of energy transfer has been theoretically predicted and verified in several exciting experiments. This mechanism seems to prevail “everywhere” from the extreme quantum system of the He dimer to water and even to quantum dots. The transfer is ultrafast and typically dominates other relaxation pathways.

On systems with and without excess energy in environment

Can there be interatomic/intermolecular processes in environment when the system itself (again, an atom or small molecule) does not possess excess energy? The answer to this intriguing question is yes. The possible processes are introduced and discussed. Examples and arguments are presented which make clear that the processes in question play a substantial role in nature and laboratory.

Más información

International Doctoral Summer School Of Molecular Oncology Molon2019

Fecha: del 10 al 13 de septiembre de 2019.
Lugar: Corrala de Santiago y Parque de las Ciencias.


The aim of the International Doctoral Summer School in MOLECULAR ONCOLOGY (MOLON) is to gather professionals (professors, postgraduated, specialists in medicine), students and researchers for a week to share knowledge and experiences on relevant issues related with Molecular Oncology connected to Medicine, from an interdisciplinary approach. All the teaching staff members are high-level specialists on the topic, so quality and novelty is warranted.

The course will offer students an opportunity to complete their education in this specific field which is very demanded in recent years. Moreover, this course offers young researchers to update with the most innovative areas of interest in oncology investigation at the same time that they can interact with many specialists in the field. This will open future opportunities of collaborations or professional carriers’ developments in these young researchers.

In addition, this course also offers not only talks, but also workshops with a reduced number of students that will be essential for improving students’ training in very important tasks in future scientists as workshops of scientific writing or PCR applications.

Avances científicos en reproducción humana asistida: repercusiones legales, éticas y sociales.
Impartida por el Dr. Jesús Cano López. Biólogo, profesor de Genética Humana en la UMA.
Martes 7 de mayo de 2019.
19:00 h.

La Pesca y la Acuicultura en Granada: Repercusión Económica y Social.
Impartida por D. Rafael Jiménez Álvarez. Biólogo, antiguodirector del Centro de Desarrollo Pesquero, Diputación de Granada.
Martes 14 de mayo de 2019.
19:00 h.

La Criminología y la Biología, una historia de éxito.
Impartida por el Dr. Sergio A. Fernández Moreno. Biólogo, Director Técnico del Laboratorio de Criminalística de la IAIC de la UCA.
Martes 21 de mayo de 2019.
19:00 h.

Conferencias organizadas por el Colegio Oficial de Biólogos de Andalucía. Las conferencias se impartirán en la Sala "Francisco Ayala" del Palacio de las Niñas Nobles. C/ Cárcel Baja nº 3.

I Ciclo de Conferencias Divulgativas "Biología y Sociedad en Granada"
Historia del laser

Hora: 12:00 h.
Lugar: Aula F1, Facultad de Ciencias.

Ponente: Enrique Hita Villaverde. Profesor emérito de la UGR. Departamento de Óptica.

Organiza: Seminario "La Física y sus historias".

Fecha: 8 de mayo de 2019.
Hora: 12:00 h.
Lugar: Salón de Actos del CIB.

Ponente: Dr. Jordi Marruecos Querol.

Organiza: Instituto de Biotecnología de la Universidad de Granada.

Melatonin oral gel for the prevention and treatment of oral mucositis in head and neck cancer patients.

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