Magnetic resonance imaging in preclinical research: neuroscience, metabolic and theranostic studies.
Fecha: viernes 21 de marzo de 2025.
Hora: 12:30h.
Lugar: Aula A20 - Facultad de Ciencias (UGR).
Contacto: Mattia Bramini y José Manuel Rodríguez Vargas.
Dentro del Ciclo de Seminarios - Dpto. de Biología Celular.
Ponente: Balbino Yague Jimenez, BSc in biochemistry at Autonomous University of Madrid, is the head of the preclinical MRI facility in Granada, leading translational neuroimaging projects to bridge the gap between preclinical and clinical research. He trained at the MRI Laboratory of the Biomedical Research Institute "Alberto Sols" (CSIC-UAM) and CIC biomaGUNE, where he developed expertise in MRI, PET imaging, and radiochemistry, contributing in the development of imaging biomarkers and novel therapeutic platforms against bladder cancer (Nature Nanotechnology, 2024). He has established international collaborations with institutions like the University of Antwerp and i3S Porto and is actively involved in networks such as ISMRM and ySMIN, supporting young researchers and fostering scientific exchange.
Summary: Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is one of the most powerful and versatile imaging techniques in biomedical research. Its ability to provide high-resolution, non-invasive visualization of tissues and organs makes it an essential tool in both pre-clinical and clinical studies. In this seminar, we will explore the fundamental biomedical applications of MRI, from the interaction of magnetic fields with biological tissues to the acquisition and reconstruction of images. We will discuss the different types of MRI contrast, highlighting their relevance in neuroscience, oncology, and theragnostic studies. Finally, we will discuss the crucial role of MRI in translational research, bridging the gap between basic science and clinical applications. From studying brain connectivity to monitoring disease progression and evaluating treatment responses, MRI continues to be an indispensable tool for modern biomedical research.
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