Conferencia Prof. Dermot Diamond. "In-Situ Sensing of Water Quality Parameters Using Low-Cost Autonomous Analysers: Opportunities and Challenges”.

Fecha: 11 de octubre 2023.
Hora: 11.00h.
Lugar: Sala de Audiovisuales.
Ponente: Prof. Dermot Diamond del INSIGHT Centre for Data Analytics, National Centre for Sensor Research, School of Chemical Sciences de Dublin (Irlanda).

The delivery of platforms that can provide access to good quality analytical information on the chemical/biological status of water at an acceptable cost remains a formidable challenge, despite considerable efforts from the research community over many years. The relatively high cost of autonomous analytical platforms means that measurement frequency and spatial density is much lower than desirable, and this in turn is a significant barrier to developing a clearer understanding of environmental status, processes, and dynamics, and to the effective policing of environmental regulation.

However, recent advances in satellite remote sensing and drone-based measurements present opportunities to capture water status data with unprecedented spatial and temporal coverage. The availability of autonomous instruments that provide continuous in-situ data provides complementary information that in a sense completes the requirements for a more complete environmental informatics coverage in that these devices can provide molecular information on related to key determinants of water chemical and biological status.

In this paper, I will outline the challenges that have up to now inhibited the emergence of low-cost, reliable, autonomous biochemical analysers, and explain how developments in rapid prototyping, microfluidics and detection schemes is providing routes to surmounting these challenges.

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