Charla de divulgación científica: Science in al-Andalus

Fecha: 27/09/2023.
Hora: 18:00h.
Lugar: Salón de Grados, Edificio Mecenas.
Ponente: Profesor Abdelhak Djouadi, del Departamento de Física Teórica y del Cosmos.

La Charla se impartirá en inglés.

When hearing the name "al Andalus", most people think about architecture and some of the most visited monuments in the world, or about art and culture, but generally not about scientific work and the production of pure knowledge. In this presentation, I will describe how medieval al Andalus a) helped to collect, translate and preserve the important scientific heritage of Antiquity, b) made huge advances in various branches of Science and opened numerous new directions and c) enabled that many of these novelties penetrate the rest of Europe and possibly play a role in the scientific revolution of the XVIth century. I will summarize some of the most important contributions of al Andalus, restricting to the fields of Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics and Chemistry and, eventually, Medicine and Life Sciences.

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