Energy-related Applications of Carbon-based Materials

Fecha: 30/06/2022.
Hora: 12:00h.
Lugar: Sala de Medios Audio-Visuales de la Facultad de Ciencias.
Ponente: Prof. Dr. Juan Matos Lale. Universidad Autónoma de Chile.

The past few decades have been identified as the age of materials. It is indeed expected that the entire 21st century will be remembered as the age of bio- and nanomaterials because of the maturing capabilities of the international R&D community to design the properties of solid products, including those of biological origin, at the molecular (nanometer) scale. In particular, the science and technology of carbon materials have exploded over the past decade because of the tremendous potential of its many unique properties (chemical inertness, quantum confinement, edge effects, high mechanical strength, high thermal and high electric conductivity). Advanced carbon materials, including carbon fibers, carbon nanotubes, graphene, carbon foams, carbon quantum dots, and nanoporous carbons, have generated great attention from scientists and industries not only because of their extensive and excellent physical and chemical properties, but also because these properties can be adapted to design functional. This conference will show some fundamental results and scaling-up applications of several types of Carbon-based materials for specific applications such as energy production and conversion, environmental remediation, CQD´s sensitized solar cells electrochemical capacitors, among others.

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