Fecha: 10 de Marzo de 2022.
Hora: de 12:30 a 13:30.
Lugar: Aula B01.

Ponente: Dr. Mattia Bramini (Universidad de Granada).

Organiza: Grupo de Física de Fluidos y Biocoloides de la UGR.

The emerging interest toward applying graphene-related materials (GRMs) for biomedical applications within the central nervous system (CNS) prompted neuroscientists to focus on the effects of the interaction of GRMs in contact with primary neural cells.


To fulfil this goal, it is mandatory to characterize the biological effects elicited by GRMs to evaluate their biocompatibility and accordingly any unwanted effects GRMs could potentially induce to living systems [1]. In this scenario, we have focused on characterizing graphene (G) flake bio-interactions within the CNS, and the possibility of using both 2D and 3D G-based supports as biocompatible scaffolds for neurological applications. The aim is to exploit the conductive properties of graphene to modulate and control the activity of neural networks grown in strict contact with such structures. Our results show that although exposure to G materials does not impact neuronal and glial viability and network formation, it does nevertheless have important effects on neuronal and glial physiology, including synaptic activity, intracellular Ca2+ dynamics and astrocyte glutamate uptake [2-4]. The results suggest G-Oxide could have a protective role in neuro-pathologies characterized by hyperexcitability.

Finally, we have investigated the molecular and cellular mechanisms by which 2D G-based supports interact with primary neurons, to assess the possibility of using these materials as
flexible, transparent and implantable devices to stimulate and trigger neuron excitability [5-7]. Monolayer graphene grown via chemical vapor deposition was treated with remote hydrogen plasma to demonstrate that hydrogenated graphene (HGr) fosters improved cell-to-cell communication with respect to pristine graphene in primary cortical neurons by increasing excitatory synaptic connections and leading to a doubled miniature excitatory postsynaptic current frequency [6]. Moreover, we were able to render P3HB, an amorphous biocompatible polymer, suitable for neuronal interfacing by embedding GO nano-platelets in the polymer-structure [7]. These studies indicate that wettability, more than electrical conductivity, is the key parameter to be controlled when designing neural interfaces. The use of G-composites can bring a deeper understanding of neuronal behavior on artificial bio-interfaces and provide new insight for graphene-based biomedical applications.

1 Bramini et al., Front Syst Neurosci, 12:12, 2018
2 Bramini et al., ACS Nano, 10 (7), 7154-71, 2016
3 Chiacchiaretta, Bramini et al., Nano Lett, 18 (9), 5827-5838, 2018
4 Bramini, Chiacchiaretta et al., Small, 5 (15), e1900147, 2019
5 Capasso et al., Adv Funct Mater, 31 (11), 2005300, 2020
6 Moschetta et al., Adv Biol, 5(1), e2000177, 2021
7 Moschetta et al., Front Neurosci, 15:731198, 2021

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