Fecha: del 3 al 7 junio 2019.
Lugar: Parque de las Ciencias.
Planck 2019 will be the twenty-second in a series of meetings on physics beyond the Standard Model organized jointly by several European research groups.
This year it is organized by the High Energy Theory Group of the Department of Theoretical Physics and Physics of the Cosmos and the Scientific Unit of Excellence CAFPE (Andalusian Center for Elementary Particle Physics) of the University of Granada and will be held in the Parque de las Ciencias of Granada from the 3rd to the 7th of June.
The Planck conference covers a broad spectrum of physics beyond the Standard Model and of the interface between particle physics and cosmology with an emphasis on the theoretical aspects related to the present experimental programmes.
More information on this and previous meetings can be found at the conference website.
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