Fecha: Jueves, 19 de Febrero
Hora: 12:00h - 13:00h
Lugar: Seminario de Física Atómica, Molecular y Núclear
Conferenciante: Varese Salvador Timoteo, Universidad de Campinas, Brasil
En el marco del programa SSV-GENIL 2015
Summary: We review recent work on the Similarity Renormalization Group (see references below)
1) Unitary neutron matter in the on-shell limit
By Enrique Ruiz Arriola, Sergio Szpigel, Varese Salvador Timoteo.
arXiv:1412.2077 [nucl-th].
2) The infrared limit of the SRG evolution and Levinson's theorem
By E. Ruiz Arriola, S. Szpigel, V.S. Timóteo.
Phys.Lett. B735 (2014) 149-156.
3) Implicit and explicit renormalization: two complementary views of effective interactions
By Enrique R. Arriola, Sergio Szpigel, Varese S. Timoteo.
arXiv:1407.8449 [nucl-th].
Annals Phys. 353 (2014) 129-149.
4) The infrared limit of the Similarity Renormalization Group evolution and Levinson's theorem
By E. Ruiz Arriola, S. Szpigel, V.S. Timoteo.
arXiv:1404.4940 [nucl-th].
5) Implicit Versus Explicit Renormalization of the $NN$ Force: An S-Wave Toy Model
By Enrique Ruiz Arriola, Sergio Szpigel, Varese Salvador Timoteo.
arXiv:1310.8526 [nucl-th].
Few Body Syst. 55 (2014) 989-992.
6) Fixed points of the Similarity Renormalization Group and the Nuclear Many-Body Problem
By E. Ruiz Arriola, S. Szpigel, V.S. Timoteo.
arXiv:1310.8246 [nucl-th].
Few Body Syst. 55 (2014) 971-975.
7) Implicit vs Explicit Renormalization and Effective Interactions
By E. Ruiz Arriola, S. Szpigel, V.S. Timoteo.
arXiv:1307.1231 [nucl-th].
Phys.Lett. B728 (2014) 596-601.
8) Long distance symmetries for nuclear forces and the similarity renormalization group
By S. Szpigel, V.S. Timoteo, E.R. Arriola.
AIP Conf.Proc. 1520 (2013) 346-348.
9) Nuclear Symmetries of the similarity renormalization group for nuclear forces
By E. Ruiz Arriola, V.S. Timoteo, S. Szpigel.
arXiv:1302.3978 [nucl-th].
PoS CD12 (2013) 106.
10) Symmetries of the Similarity Renormalization Group for Nuclear Forces
By V.S. Timoteo, S. Szpigel, E. Ruiz Arriola.
arXiv:1108.1162 [nucl-th].
Phys.Rev. C86 (2012) 034002.