- 18 Septiembre 2013
The Dean of the Science Faculty is delighted to offer once again to all lecturers and researchers working in this faculty the opportunity to improve their spoken and written English in classes partially subsidised by the faculty. The students will be required to pay only 50% of the total cost of the classes.
The classes will be held twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 18.00 to 19.30 and from 19:30 to 21:00.Thefirsr class is intermediate level, the second advanced.
If you are interested please come to the first class on Tuesday 1 October at 18:00h in the Sala Audio Visual (above the photocopy service in the Main Hall) where you can talk to the teacher.
More advanced students should come to the class at 19:30.
If you are a student from last year please send me a message if you wish to continue.
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