4-year PhD Fellowship as part of the project HISTORIC GYPSUM PLASTERWORK – LEARNING FROM THE PAST (GYPS) (Reference PID2023-149367NA-I00) financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities/European Union. This project investigates the underlying technological influence on performance, durability, and alteration processes undergone by historic plasterwork in order to establish adequate future conservation treatments and design compatible gypsum-based materials for heritage conservation and sustainable new construction. The idea of this research is driven by historical evidence that shows the wide-ranging constructive possibilities of traditional gypsum for exterior and structural applications in rural and monumental architecture in many countries of the Mediterranean Basin, and in particular in the gypsiferous Spain. The main objective of this project is the study of historic gypsum plasterwork, its mineralogical composition, textural and physico-mechanical properties and their relation with ancient plaster making technology. It is envisioned that the outcome will have national and international impact, especially since the project will be performed in collaboration with various researchers from national and international institutions and partners (Escuela de Estudios Árabes (CSIC) Granada, Universidad de Granada, Universidad de Sevilla, Instituto Andaluz de Patrimonio Histórico Sevilla, Patronato de la Alhambra y Generalife, University of Illinois, and the Getty Conservation Institute). The candidate will be expected to enroll in the PhD program Ciencias de la Tierra (Geosciences) at the University of Granada and will be working within a multidisciplinary team, supervised by Dr. K. Elert and Dr. G. Cultrone.

Candidate's profile: Master’s degree or equivalent in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Engineering, Geology, Heritage Conservation, Materials and Conservation Science, Architecture or related fields. Previous experience with the analysis and testing of heritage materials, publication of scientific results, research stays in international institutions, and good English skills will be valued. Spanish knowledge of advantage but not required.

Funding (total): 125.200 EUR (includes salary, travel grant, and compensation)
Anticipated starting date: Spring 2025
Further information: K. Elert ()

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